Zetsu Hatake - So this is way i have the stupid plant. Posted by admin Thursday, September 10, 2020 Related PostsTomura Shigaraki Quotes : The league of villains has two people wanting to join them.Tomura Shigaraki Quirk Awakening : See over 48 shigaraki tomura images on danbooru.Decay Tomura Shigaraki Quirk - After the events of deika city, shigaraki's quirk evolved further and gave him the ability to decay things that are indirectly in contact with him as well.Tomura Shigaraki Quirk Gif / What little we can piece together about tomura's backstory implies that he accidentally killed his parents when his quirk manifested, leaving him alone and scared until all for one eventually found and rescued him. Home 4K HD Images Pictures Wallpapers Zetsu Hatake - So this is way i have the stupid plant.